Sunday, 18 November 2007
training is fun. (:
i enjoy training
therefore i should train more.
full stop.
end of story.
still havent found anyone to go fly kite with me. )):
well, at least i've accomplished one of my goals which is going rock climbing. (:
whereas for the rest i have the rest of the holiday (six weeks left) to finish!
one reason why i dont blog so much is due to laggy interface of blogspot! D:
i have to wait 23094234o89203 minutes before the page loads. irritating. argh.
not like anyone reads this anyway. hmpf.
ok there's training tomorrow.
must sleep.
bye blog.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
To do list (Holidays)
okay, quite some stuff to do for my holidays already.
go ben.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
long time no see.
it's been a long time since i last blogged / done any reflection. well, i guess this blog post is kind of going to be full of many random thoughts that i wanted to post, but couldnt be bothered to. hm.
alright. happy nonsense first.
yay. facebook is like my new addiction. it has so many guai lan applications. that when i look at it, i'm like "oh no what do i do now!" D: so i just ignore everything, and head over to fighter's club. bah, fighter's club is the only thing that i do on facebook. grag. yes say that i'm loser or anything. hmpf. must stop myself from facebooking so much.
interclass soccer... was amusing. well, we see how some of the people in the class perform on the sporting field when we're up against real (well... sorta) competition. rather then the usual people who are fooling around during PE lessons in class. this is one of the few times that i've seen us being so serious over a game of soccer (besides last year!)
it didnt really go as i expected it. starting off with the odd timings that our class received, and the incredibly unbelievable, terrribly, arduously long gap between our matches. bah. but that doesnt matter.
i was kind of disappointed at myself at inter class soccer. perhaps people have over estimated my abitilty, hat they put me ahead of other less enthusiatic people in the class. glad that i was able to bring myself to push away my pride and my desire to play, to give my position up to another who is obvious a few notches ahead of me. well, its all the best for the class anyway. <3
the NE survey conducted today had some questions which really left me thinking. what struck me most was the question "how many close friends do you have in school?"
donch really know i am supposed to put this.
definitely, my four years in RI has endowed upon me many friends, whom i know i can depend upon in times of need.......... oh well, wont talk about this. :/
i really feel insecure for the coming chinese O levels. dont know whether i will be able to get the goal that i set out to achieve. B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3.
chinese sucks.
but come to think of it, who really cares about your chinese grade at the end of the day? who really cares about the Grade Point Average that you achieved in Secondary One, Secondary Two, and so on... coming to think about the programme that i've gone through in the past year. everyone seems to be so caught up in the pursuit for the marks.
for a mere 2% of marks, people are willing to desert their morals, to gain an extra one, two marks scribbled upon their papers. why do people often commit such foolish acts? and why have i been tempted so many times to follow suit? i've often asked myself these questions.
stupid ben.
while on the bus today, i was thinking about how i would be able to fare in the O levels. when the song "Trust in the Lord" started to play. really had much of an impact upon him
this blog post is freakin random.
Sunday, 16 September 2007
shun the world
grag. dont know what's happening to me these days. keep stoning.
nowadays, i just want to be alone, and sit by myself, and mug. and mug. and mug.
no life. -.-
something is very wrong with me. how come i am mugging so much now.
end of year examinations just seventeen days away. i just skimmed the surface of all my topics.
grag. something is wrong with me.
i havent changed back to school gear. foot still stuck on the brakes. mugging tank empty. ):
jiayou ben.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
How to cook a benkhoo
Quick and easy way of prepare a light and healthy meal. (no fats or MSG!)
1 ben
1 pile of math revision worksheets
4 Chinese revision papers
2 Physics and chem papers
1. Choose a nice and juicy ben.
2. Chop ben into fine slices.
3. Add ben with 1 pile of math revision worksheets. Add ink (preferabky from uni Laknock 1.0 <3)
4. Mix until the bens look like its on the verge of exploding.
5. Add chinese revision papers and leave in the sun
6. throw in a variety of spices, such as DMPs and extra quizes, for more flavour.
7. boil with physics and chemistry paper.
8. filter and tuck in.
Caution: don't try this at home.
Saturday, 8 September 2007
invite us to his
it looked really nice... and new. (it's two months young!)
anyway. on the way there. we were going mad on the bus.
donch know why.
probably my glucose level was running abit high from two ice creams.
but the people at the back of the bus, started shouting random nonsense. and we were going CRAZEEEE. (no profanities. we're such good kids!)
then when i got down, i saw ms yong and ms chew.
did know there were on the same bus as us.
bah, heck.
later on, the bus driver realised that he would never be able to find mr siow's house in the labyrith of concrete. so he pung seh us.
dropped us down in the middle of now where and left us to fend for ourselves.
not bad la.
let the female teachers lead the way FTW. ><
we find the house. =D
but a bunch of kids, all stoning on the couch.
so i thought them to play polar bear! (:
and so they started.
first target kill me. -.-
the game went on, but it wasnt that successfull luh. not fun luh. AH. polar bear is leik such an interesting, exciting, nerve-wretching test of wits and deception.
dinner was good. chicken pie was good. but then everything else had chilli. being such a wuss, i never touch chilli. (my sister's coach says that chilli lowers your stamina anyway. blessing in disguise! i dont understand why people like to eat chilli. when you put that horrible red stuff in your mouth, the only sensation that you feel is the burn on your tongue/lips. crazy. self-tortue. and you dont get to taste your food at all. please luh, if your food is not tasty enough just add salt. okay dont rant about chilli.)
couldn't have eaten anything else anyway.
the score was madness. the game ended at the fifth minute. D:
the italian must be mourning over the death of pavarotti, cannot focus. need a nice tenor voice to spur them on. D:
then at the 20th minute, the wives of the italian threathen them, that if they dont play properly, they won't cook anymore pasta and pizza for them if they dont focus.
since pasta + pizza > eating grass, the italian wake up abit.
but damage control not enough luh.
still got owned.
but it was very fun to watch rugby with the guys luh. since no one really understood the rules. we just shouted whenever we saw a blackie run with the ball.
damn fun. (:
i think i lost abit of my voice. whenever the all blacks touch ball i will shout. (even though i dont really understand the rules. but luh. )
table soccer FTW.
(i want to buy a table for myself!!)
bah. just anyhow whack the ball by moving teh stix. jappy is imba luh. D:
and marvin is ... ... ... ...
nevermind. (:
sleepy, my mind not really working now (not like it works other times but luh)
shant bother to elaborate. =D
probably the best day of my holiday! (:
life rocks.
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
enough is enough. ARGH.
damn pissed off.
need a place to unleash my angst.
this is some really well deserved break! after a killer three weeks, we get a holiday without much homework! (:
well, from the surface it seems like there isn't much to do anyway. one philo essay, one chinese paper. bah. probably can finish them if i sat down and hardcore for a few hours. later.
but then, RP decides to dump at 40% end-of-year examinations five weeks away.
fourteeee per-sent! 40%!!
(and yes. it's now called EXAMINATION. after all the hoo-ha about not having any test but rather assignments and projects to grade us along the way. our dear school took two years before the futility of the raffles programme dawned upon them.)
so now, i really need to mug to salvage my GPA, which is running away even faster than my nose. rescue the grade point average!
but that is really the problem anyway.
the problems lies in that fact that EVERYONE is mugging for the finals!
spend one WHOLE day, go out to marina south.
bring one hugiganourmous mat for people to under the tree and (relac one korner)
fly kite.
ball games.
bah, doubt anyone would want to do that with me luh.
(anyway, if you're interested in going contact me. =D )
((doubt anyone is going to reply since this blog is dead and no one visits it.))
(((still do, if you're interested)))
go angst my rubrik's cube. (:
Sunday, 12 August 2007
a time for everything.
When I was younger I used to be wild
As wild as an elephant's child
No one could hold me down
No one could keep me around
Now it's your turn, take a shot
Baby, show me everything that you got
Maybe you can keep me alive
Maybe you can get in my mind
But it's only a matter of time
Before I run far away
I need to take a holiday
Maybe it's a fall from grace
I gotta find a new place
A holiday
I'll set off on a new chase
I gotta see a new face
I need to take a holiday
My father, he was always wise
As wise as an elephant's eyes
He couldn't hold me down
He couldn't keep me around
So are you gonna take your shot?
It's the only one that you got
Maybe I'll go out on a limb
Maybe I'll jump in for a swim
When the lights go dim
You know I'll run far away
I need to take a holiday
Maybe it's a fall from grace
I gotta find a new place
A holiday
I'll set off on a new chase
I gotta see a new face
I need to take a holiday
(Need to take a holiday)
A new start
I've broken too many hearts
And I don't have any clue where to go
I don't know
But maybe I'll be back someday after my holiday
When I was younger I used to be wild
As wild as an elephant's child
And I don't think I'll ever change
I think I'm gonna stay the same
I'll run away
I need to take a holiday
(Need to take a holiday)
Maybe it's a fall from grace
I gotta find a new place
A holidayI'll set off on a new chase
(Set off on a new chase)
I gotta see a new face
I need to take a holiday
I've broken too many hearts
And I don't have any clue where to go
I don't know
But maybe I'll be back someday after my holiday
All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind
The answers that we'll never find
They don't mean a thing tonight
Kind of addicted to this song for the monment. It's those slow emo songs that just keep ringing in your head, and you can't get it out.
i find the lyrics quite relevant to me now (other than the mushy i love you, you love me, but we cant get together nonsense) since killer week is tomorrow. after mugging so much, i still find like nothing has really gone through the thick skull of mine. ):
feeling really uneasy.
my plans to fly kite/go rock climbing FAILED MISERABLY!! D:
firstly no one wanted to fly kite. and i didnt know where to buy kites! if anyone knows places to get kites tell me. (:
well starbucks at united square has really really strong winds! i just need to attach a string to my worksheets and it becomes a kite. probably would fly really high. :D
no one wanted to rock climb either. me thinks im quite interested in rock climbing! it's such a cool sport, and every new obstacle is kind of unique (unless you're reclimbing the same wall again and again and again and again, like during hillary challenge!) and when you finally reach the top you get this sweet feeling, which feels even better if the wall was difficult.
it's instant gratification. good for simple minded, retarded people like myself. yay!
so those plans 一败涂地 , give up.
maybe some other time in the september holidays then!
on another note (Z minor to be exact), library cubicles and the airport are nice places to study. (:
Sunday, 5 August 2007
distance 4.2km / displacement = 0
i dont even half expect this post to be completed. i dont have much motivation to blog. people are like "yay. this is my hundredth post! happy birthday blog. luv ya. muacks. <3" kind of thing. for myself, i'd go "gosh. i actual completed a blog entries today. not bad. good day to buy 4D."
i swear sugar is my verbal laxative.
yesterday was CROSS COUNTRY! i like.
i havent really ran at ri cross since sec one. sec two there was this william tan thing, where we went round and round and rounds circling the now-long-gone ri track. i ponned in sec three for whatever stupid reason that i think im retarded for making. and now im sec four and im going again! nostalgic memories of those days.
i remember when i was in sec one i ran behind mr joeseph chong throughout the race. didnt really know who he was then. well. too big and muscular already. his biceps probably weight ten kay-gee each.
back to the point.
so cross was held in BEDOK RESEVOIR for whatever reason the school had. so they hired 523598345 buses to transport the entire ri population down to bedok. nice. three cheers for global warming.
i think my body was feeling really weird on that day. my throat was extremely dry. so i kept drinking water. but i didnt dare to drink too much, in case i got stitch later on. :/
the three oh clock sun destroyed me.
bedok isnt a goodplace to run please. stupid weird decision to go there. firstly, there are any trees to cover the paths, so its scorching. my hair was half burnt after the run.
secondly, the route suck balls. in macritchie, we dont get to see anything anywhere since the route to the sides are covered by the plants/bird/bees/snakes/cows. bedok is LIKE A FREAKING HUGE LOOP AROUND A BODY OF WATER (WHICH ABOUT 5% IS THE WATER FROM THE TOILET) UNDER THE HOTTTTT SUN, AND LOOKING LEFT ISNT MUCH HELP AT ALL. THE ROUTE MARKERS AREN'T EVEN PLACED PROPERLY, THERE ARE ONLY LIKE TWO ON THE ENTIRE FOUR POINT TWO KAY-EM PATH.
alright finally got that off my chest. feels better.
the start of the race was madness. everyone started chiong/sprinting. and the rest just followed the pace of the people in front. dumb. jin sei tried to block rui yong i think. he gave up after five hundred meters. (:
luckily i didnt follow the crowd. but ruiyong is mad. runs like a horse. by the time i ran five hundred, he was about two hundred/three hundred meters ahead of me. his end time wa 14min++ which is insane for 4.2km.
was super demoralised by the running route. everytime i looked left to find the end point, i'll get more pissed off myself. it's like im going further and further away, no where near the final destination. not good.
blah blah blah blah (insert whatever complement/profanity you want here)
i got fourteenth anyway. quite pleased with myself. (: thought i could get into top twenty five.
wanted to blog about festival of praise and the south american buskers, but im sleepy.
go to sleep now.
i want to fly kite.
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Monday, 16 July 2007
Hillary Challenge!
i'm a dog.
i'm a dog that blows a whistle.
i'm a dog that blows a whistle to make people run. (:
finally, hillary challenge finally ended after an extremely fun/tiring/exhilirating/painful/difficult/crazy/nonsense three days. these three days past too quickly, and the gold medal just seems a tad bit too surreal. i feel like i'm living a dream. (:
team M <3
our team was probably the least prepared for hillary challenge, meeting only once or twice before the competition. it must be our wonderful logistics (power gel!) that helped us throughout the race. we also stuck together throughout the entire race, and i believe that is our secret to success.
lets recall whatever that happened over the three days...
Day One
i didnt expect to be staying at pulau ubin. i thought that we were going to be hiking for like forever, over three days.the first challenge was:
zomg. i pon school, only to come to do a skit?! @#$%
had no other choice but to play along, since the skit carried alot of point (or so i thought then)
we decided to do a skit, with shaunang acting gay. (:
anyway, we were shoved onto a bus and transported to pulua ubin for the rest of the camp.
Camp resilience!
it damn unfair! how come NPCC get such a ginourmous camp, and bb only has a teeny weeny BB/GB campsite. tsk. unfair. national PCC.
oh yes, we also had to cook laksa for one of our tasks. i dont even know how to cook, how to make laksa. o_O
luckily the girls were decent cooks. amelia was like the master chef, putting all kind of nonsense into the soup. i was quite useless, just staring at the mess tin and lighting the fires.
she used her shirt to lift the hot mess tin. my balls will shrink and drop off if i even did that! respect.
did i say i was flag bearer too? flag bearing is quite scary, especially when you're raising the state flag. my flag had to be a the top all time, so during lowering, if my flag was too fast, i'll get owned by the instructors. bah.
i tried to imitate the boys in black shoes, who i see almost everyday raising the flag, but after a while, i realised that all the other flags were down and mine of stil halfway!
was like "shit. i'm @#$%ed." so i anyhow pull damn quickly and the last part of the lowering was super fast. idiot.
Day 2
i woke up and heard jappy saying that ben sleeps like a pig. actually, i really do. i can sleep quite easily almost anywhere, and i'm quite hard to wake up. 5am in the morning! i dragged myself up and pulled my body over for breakfast.
i enjoyed the six stations very much. <3
1.Dragon boating
ok. dragon boating was quite screwed, since we had to move the dragon boats down into the river ourselves, and the other team wasnt really using much strength. the instructors also werent really clear with their orders too, so they didnt really know what to do. :/
our team just rowed and rowed and rowed. its quite important that we rowed in sync, otherwise confirm damn slow.
i think our group is good at coordinating together. (:
2. obstacle course
the obstacle course wasnt that bad. we had to hold this cup of water and transfer the water across an obstacle course to the otherside. of couse spill alot of water, but we put the cups in our mouth and i put the water in my mouth too. (:
the team promised that if i completed the obstacle course seven times, they would stop teasing me about she-who-must-not-be-named. seven not that hard la. the only difficult part about the challenge was the rolling log, which we wasted tons of time finding out how to use.
when i was nearly done with the six challenge... the whistle blowed, and it was over. gragh. irritating. so i still continued to get teased for the rest of the challenge. ):
3. gun firing +dark maze
gun firing is fun! there's this heavy gun in the middle and ropes at the side to shift the cannon's orientation. the team was quite imba la. but i solo the left side, which was uite gay, since the cannon was freakin heavy.
jappy was like the commander and the rest just followed his direction. in the end, we completed it 12minutes plus. :D
dark maze is the most gay. i really pity blind people now. ):
completely lost my sense of sight when i entered the maze, and we had to feel around for wooden blocks inscribed with some words. was quite difficult, but we manage to find eight. good la. (:
4. rock climbing
alright. this was the activitiy that started to kill us, rather that killed me. ):
at first it was okay, quite easy to climb the green rocks. then after that the yellow rocks was super gay, and i wasted ALOT of energy trying to climb it and failing over and over again. hmpf.
then out came our best friend, deep heat spray!
spray and burn. hoho.
later i climbed the blue wall, which is probably the easiest, three times. quite fun. long bean gabriel and like skip an entire panel cause he's body is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG.
5. squares thing.
we were told to make two squares blind folded. the group anyhow created some squares. although it was not that perfect, it was a good effort. kudos to the nice guy instructor, who we talked to later on. (:
6. orieenteering
bashing up a hill FTW.
went up the hill. died, found nothing, went back, got zero points. 'nuff said.
we started the hike as the third last team to leave camp resilience. but after the power gel, i got a sugar high and think the rest probably did too. just walk and walk.
the cycling was also good. our team is not THAT strong at cycling, but at least there were not serious injuries. i pity hwa chong team A, cause they had a girl who fell of the bike and could no longer continue with the race. :/
i shouted "UP... UP... UP..." like forever. my throat was dead at the end of the dragon boating. the team was really coordinated. and the other teams were like a little dot, far far away.
i like the guy who was steering our boat. he kept encouraging our team, and gave us tips on how to move faster. (:
naomi's oakley's are damn cool. she was sitting at the front of the dragonboat, and i could see the people rowing at the back through her sunnies. (: i want to buy oakleyyyyyyyyysssssssss!!
but NO MONEY. >.<
dragon boating really stretched our lead. and the last part to lower seletar park was a quick stroll, following the pace of gaby's long legs.
at night, i had to sleep outside in the open, cause the tent was too small to fit five guys. ):
it was damn cold, and i woke up THREE TIMES! at night. :/
Day Three
day three started off with rafting. the raft wasnt that hard to construct and it was the most efficient one. i saw other teams that had rafts the only allowed one person to paddle at one side, like a dragonboat. ours was like two canoes joint by a long pole. and we were first for rafts! yay. (:
after that was the hike. it wasnt much of a hike, just a long long long long long long long long walk, with checkpoint. didnt really wanted to navigate, i'm not that good at navigating anyway, so i became the slave driver. :D
i koped shaunang's whistle, and everytime i whistled the team had to touch the shoulder of the person in front of him/her. since gaby walked super fast, i kept blowing the whistle!
PHEEETT! run run run.
PHEEEEEEETT! run run run!
we manage to go to almost all the check points except one eighty points one. its really pity full since that place carried so much points!
at least we had one fifty point check point which the other teams just walked by. i saw the hwachong team just walking past the numbers of the fifty point checkpoint. quite sad la. but i think hannah saw the numbers! good job!
nearing the end of the thing, i became a dog. hannah/amelia/nicole were tugging onto my bag strap and i pulled them up the hill. (: woof woof.
the FINAL CHALLENGE was quite nonsense. i dont know how the other team did it, but i got the other wet all over. at first i poured the water quite poorly and spilt alot over amelia, and the expression on her face was like @#$%@$%@#%$@%%@#%^&@%^#$%@#$%. oh well. we didnt really manage to move the ball up, but at least we got thirty points! (:
yay. we're going to see cows next year.
thanks team:
Jappy: imba navi and the team leader. couldnt have done this without you. thanks for pushing the whole team on throughout the challenge.
Shaunang: you're really great, and the jokes you crack helped to lift the spirit of te team!
Nicole: MANLY. you're like the girls mum, and only one that can make them shut up. (:
Hannah: even though you were tired, you still pushed on for the team. you're not as unfit as you think, mid afternoon high FTW.
Amelia: bimboness and incessant chattering was quite funny. my shirt! ):
Gaby: long legs are for the win. without your wonderful pacing, we definitely wouldnt have done so much.
Koon Chong: your navi and rope skills are really great. bring your watch along next year!
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
9 may is a happy day
Your Birthdate: May 9 |
You are a born idealist, with more pet causes than you can count. You prefer be around others, both when working and while relaxing. Generous and giving, you believe you can change the world one person at a time. You're open minded and tolerant. People feel like they can tell you anything. Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic Your power color: Pine green Your power symbol: Circle Your power month: September |
Monday, 23 April 2007
Sunday, 22 April 2007
okay. lets just say, life now sucks to a small extent. i have tons of nonsense to do, but i am using the process of selective neglect to filter them through my brain-sieve, and banish them to the depths of (insert worst possible place).
hmm, over the past few week, its been quite a typical ri boy life.
mug mug mug mug
isnt really much to blog about is there.
but on the bright side -
after like nearly twenty days, finally can show our sexy PLASTIC trophy to headmaster. well, its still sexy. but we havent received our prize yet though. need to something about that some other time. hope i dont get the gitters again when i get up onto the platform in front of the school. last time my leg just shaked like an ecstasy poping idiot, even when i wasnt feeling nervous. how come i dont feel that way when i parade command? bleah.
hahaha. nonsense photo. those slippers are beautificent. (:
but then its mym sisters, so that makes it...
lalalala. i really got nothing to say.
why arent grass emo, if not they can cut themselves.
Saturday, 7 April 2007
good friday
going down to church after such a long time feel kind of refreshing, sort of like a renewal, a revival. hmm. maybe i should go more often. ): although the service was in chinese, it really helped. if i go more often, my chinese will improve. definitely. haha.
i like candles. i like fire.
it only takes a spark to get the fire going.
Monday, 2 April 2007
will the world rejoice and the angels sing in terribly high soprano voices.
it feels good to win aq after training so much these few months. (: hm... lets recount what happened during AQ...
3.00 a.m. : wake up. i actually slept for the whole five hours. thats the first time i slept that much before aq. (:
4.00 a.m. : eggs, bananas, milo, eggs. and eggs with cheese. yum yum. wonderful breakfast eggs go well with cheese and drown it down your throat with milo. heehee. longkuan's head can break eggs.
5.00 a.m. : kangjie brought redbull! regret that i didnt bring them along for the final energy boost. ohwell. SPAM deepheat! pssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttt.
6.45 a.m. : flag off!
6.55 a.m. : overtake first team, to grab pole position. never lost it. sexaeeeee.
7.30 a.m. : second checkpoint. HQ screws up. we lose three minutes of precious time stoning. geraldong says i was smoking while waiting. im too hot. ;) really, hq should be more efficient. a huge distance and phychological advantage was lost while waiting.
8.15 a.m. : BB/GB campsite! first team to reach the coast, before the marshals had their briefing. so we lost much time. *again* i got the imba dong as my motor, so all i needed to do was to steer the kayak. :D then presents given were... mentos. -.- we had to keep the menthos and bring it back to the shore and not lose anything, and the huge burden fell on me to hold onto the precious mentos. the kayak doesnt have anywhere safe to put in, except in my... nevermind. just note that the officer did not want to touch the mentos when i took it out. xD
8.50 a.m.: RIVER-CROSSING!! ohman. i just jumped into the frickin river, thinking that my phone was waterproofed (but the plastic bag had a hole.) damn. rivercrossing is fun, but not when your phone screws up on you.
9.10 a.m. : RAPPELLING @ the fire station. eight whole stories! EIGHTFLOORS. and jump down with only a rope support me. darn. running up eight stories, and the officer tells me to step onto the ledge. its nearly like thrity metres down, and i didnt trust the officer, so i hanged onto the ledge damn hard. so this fishball comes along and asks me to smile so he can take pictures. -_-" after all the fixing of the rope was done, the rest was easy. just jump down and hold onto the rope. not that scary. (:
9.30 a.m. : FINISH! it wasnt that long. but it still was fun and fufilling. best of all, no navigation errors. :D
thats my AQ experience! :D
thanks to everyone who made it possible. love ya. :D
Friday, 30 March 2007
before AQ!
thinking back to five months ago, when we began training, i still remember coming for training after eight months of growing fat. Unfit boy. ):
five months. twice a week trainings. i'd like to believe that everyone have come out stronger from the experiences that we have shared together. The fun that we have had as a team.
its my third and final attempt at the Adventure Quest. One fourth place, one victory, what will it be this time?
Lets do this guys.
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
tick tock
cuckoo clock
time flies by
but none for i
work work
more work
work work
more work
Monday, 19 March 2007
there goes my march holidays. didnt feel much like a holiday to me. hm. quite flashback.
sat: overnight hike
sun: hangover from hike. slept almost the whole day.
mon: AQ training.
tues: Camp day zero
wed: Camp day one
thu: Camp day two
fri: Camp day three
sat: catch up on sleep. again. attempt to do homework
sun: ah! homework overload!! Gan Aimn performace! (:
thats six out of nine days of my holidays spent in school. oh well.
i can say much, but somehow i enjoyed the holidays tremendously. however tiring it might have been, no matter how much sleep that i had lost, the time i spent with everyone had not gone to waste.
"i'm spending my first day of my holidays walking around Singapore!!" Linus Seah, Mock AQ hike, 17th March 2007, 12am.
36km in six hours? not exact the best time that our team can achieve. but we talk so much nonsense during that six hours.
the most freaky part was when linus got injured. deciding to be the man that he always is, he continues to walk and walk and walk. nearing ri, he suddenly starts laughing for no reason.
ben: eh, whats wrong with you.
linus: hehehe, my legs is damn pain. hehehe
-_____-" *ahem* machocist *ahem* (however it is spelt)
perhaps this week in march was spent together with everyone from bb. but i dont think i can think of anything much better that i could have done in three days. (:
i love you guys. :D
Sunday, 18 March 2007
irish band!
gan ainm!! ((:
irish music was super nice. too bad the audience wasnt very spontaneous, other than a scottish lady somewhere in one corner.
the music rockeddd!! okay fine it wasnt rock. but it was very cute.
its funny to see the performers play halfway and their instruments break. the drum broke, and the guitar broke, the g-string. ;) the guys were really good, they didnt panic and just played on, even with five string.
the guitarist can fix the guitar string under one minute. damn. i took like half an hour to fix mine, the last time i tried. well, guess they're professianal... other than the fact that the vocalist wears SOMETHING under his kilt, boxers actually (says he). no one would be caught doing that in scotland. wierd ang mohs.
attack of the killer coconut! here it ROAR!
and now doesnt that sounds scary?
coconuts are scary. dont ever look away if you have a coconut is next to you. the next thing you know, a limb will be missing. guess where a NUT gets its flesh from. if coconuts dont drown in the ocean, we will one day suffer from overpopulation of evil green coconuts, and the human race will be totally wiped out in order from them to sustain their bloody thristy desire for flesh. dont you know why there aren't any monkeys living on a beach. ;)
brave ben subdues the killer coconut with the aid of yong qian. :D
the statue blows its own trumpet.
Saturday, 17 March 2007
march camp
a smile to mask the fatigue.
march camp was a blast. had so much fun. (:
felt that the camp this year was abit slacker than usual, i think. maybe its just coming from me, from the point of view of someone leading the camp (finally after four years). if that wasnt enough, for the first time ever, the food was good!! (: so much thanks to nat the food i/c.
side track: i like fried chicken. lots and lots and lots and lots. yum yum. how come we didnt have any fried chicken on the second and third day? aw. ): the sweeeeeeeet and sour sauce (which tastes more sweet than sour) is like... yum yum. okay, im starting to drool on my keyboard.. o.O
i realised, two days from home, and my personal hygiene drops drastically. i can run around in the rain, get dirty with mud, sleep on the grass, sleep on the public bench, sleep on public benches, sleep on the ground, sweat, sweat and sweat more. but then i dont feel dirty at all. must be distracted by the fun of march camp. hehehehehe. (:
the current batch of sec ones look rather promising, but i spotted a common treand among 60th recruits. the noisiest recruit usually score the lowest in the target award. hmmm... shucks. i scored the lowest in target test too. :/ (i wasn't prepared! when i was a sec one i was like oblivious to everything. i turn up for stuff, but dont learn anything.) does that make me the noisest? =O naw, i dont think so.
im so guai. the horns on my head are the support the halo.
night games was the best. two bottles of prickly heat, can give much fun/pleasure/pain to little boys e.g. yao yang. (: eh. what else could i do for the ice challenge? ice melts too quickly. guess prickly heat gives the same sensation eh.
quote rich yu "it felt like the eruption of a volcano down there."
i like.
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
sick. ):
spent yesterday sleeping. sleeping. and sleeping even more. ten hours to be exact. stupid fever. for the past twenty-four hours, i have been with the company of my sweat-smelling pillow and bolster. and of course, my bed. (:
ponned school today cause i wasnt feeling very well in the morning too. somehow, life without school is kind of boring. the chitter-chatter of the class, the shouts and screams from the teachers, and all the nonsense coming from the class. its kind of ironic in the sense that i long to go home when i am in school, yet at home with nothing to do, i want to go to school. ben, you are wierd. -.-
taking advise from people i shall: sleep more, drink more water.
sleep comes first.
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
track and field
i admit. even after everything i said after i finished running THREE THOUSAND FRICKIN METRES, and am rather satisfied with myself. (:
going round and round and round the track again and again isn't exactly the definition of fun yea. but still, at least i did not get lapped by anybody but tingzhang (going to taopok you tomorrow. ggggrrr) and i hit a decent timing.
i dont know the last number, but it should be around there. lalalala.
BUCKLEY. hohoho.
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Candy song!
then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave
and when you get inside you find yourself a cheering lamb
such a happy and joyous, perky merry land
they've got lollipops and gummy drops and candy things
oh so many things that will brighten up your day
it's impossible to wear a frown in candy town
its the mecca of lover's candy cave
they've got jelly beans and coconuts with little hats
candy wraps, chocolate bats, it's the wonderland of sweets
bring the candy twine to town and to the candy band
candy bells of treats as they march across the land
cherry bells and ribbions scream across the sky
into the ground turn around, astound! its a dancing candy tree
and the candy cave imagination runs so free
so that charlie will please go into the cave!"
Charlie the Unicon.
Sunday, 18 February 2007
chinese new year
after chinese new year, you wont be able to tell whether im lying down or standing up. x) eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat... yum yum. its sad that our non-chinese friends dont get to celebrate chinese new year much with us. they miss out on all the yummy goodies, especially ba kaw. BARRRRKWWWWWWWWAAAAAA. my jaws were moving so much today that i think they will be bigger than my biceps when school reopens. :P
have i mentioned how much i liked ba kwa?! :))
darn. im too tired after all that doing "chin-ups". going to turn in early. (:
NBA all star game tomorrow morning. west ftw.
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
mugger toad
studying with chrisfang = =D
talking nonsense for the whole time barely studying.hehehe
next time study at the beancurd place. :P
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
life's boring
ben is becoming mugger. o.O
rock climbing today was super funny. (: korean was stuck at panel four of the rock wall, unable to find a grip. says he "you go up confirm cannot finish, damn difficult." chrisfang just flew up that wall. all eight panels. for the sake of suanning jinsei. xD hehehehehe. then when i tried, i just run up the wall. less than 30 secs completed. eat that foreign talent. =P
i guess thats because of my recent pull up crazy. i want to hit fifteen pull ups by napfa in april! pull ups are so fun. wei jian is are of by for the win. changzhong... being the crazy mutant. doubles my amount everyday. bleah. he does 20 pull ups a shot. sick.
getting kind of busy nowaday, sec four year is crazy. i still remember the day when i could go home straight after school when the bell goes. now i have to stay back every single day. but at least it is fun. =D
i cant wait for chinese new year too!!! BAKWA!! love love love love.
mum didnt buy bakwa this year, nor any other chinese new year goodies. argh.. what happened to all the candies that i used to keep myself awake before chinese new year?! all gone... at least i still get ang baos. (: hehehehe.
i really want to go out somewhere on sundays, which seems to be the only day where i am free. okaeee.
ask me out. dont care who. =D
now. ;)
*green jumper!*
Sunday, 4 February 2007
chinese new year shopping
can you believe that i walked all over bugis for 4 hours, but couldnt not find a single jumper? @#$%&?!
need to buy new clothes for chinese new year. perhaps if you know where to get jumpers you can tell me. =D
hehehe. i need more chocolate at home. :)
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
running buffet
Monday, 29 January 2007
like going down to the beach or something, and just lie there. and stone.
i feel abit overwhelmed now.
i need encouragement.
you can do it ben.
im going to swim in the pitch black pool.
hope the guard doesnt catch me.
Sunday, 28 January 2007
Diet's over
Insert 1 credit to continue...
darn. i surrender. life without sugar is impossible. trust me. i dont think anyone can ever survive without sugar for more than a day, unless you are either deprived, or insane. yea right.
i went 60 hours without sugar. SIXTYY! =O
i am amazing.
it ended this way.
(after lunch)
dad: you done with your food?
ben: yea.
dad: i bought chocolate.
me: yea, i am not going to touch that.
five minutes later i finished half a bar of chocalte. -_-"
nice. (:
depriving me of sugar causes me to make stupid decisions. like on friday. i decide for longkuan, darius and kieran to walk to city hall MRT since raffles place MRT was too crowded and we did not want to take a crowded train. we walked all the way to city hall mrt and too a crowded train from there... at least for kieran. xD
poor kieran.
i ran around with long kuan and darius walking in the rain, trying to find a 56 bus stop. nice. (:
back to my chocolate bar. got to catch up with all that glucose i lost.
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Going Sugar-free
9 words from nine different languages descirbes the simplest yet greatest pleasure in life. Alone, this miraculous compound brings about joy, love and laughter. it can provide enourmous surge of energy, enough for me to irritate the !@#$ out of anyone. without it, my world shatters into a million itsy bitsy pieces, that can only be once again put back together with this fabulous friend.
but all good things come to an end.
ben is going on a sugar free diet. yes, you didnt read it wrongly. ben is not going to touch sugar, in the form of junk food, for as long as he can manage. why? you might ask. its due to the following reasons:
a) i am addicted.
b) feeding my addiction make my wallet cry.
c) too much sugar kills me.
d) i can learn to get high from other places.
e) i am addicted
did i say that i am addicted?
so starting from tomorrow, 0000hrs (+8 GMT) 260107. my ordeal begins.
good bye candy. good bye chocolates. good bye unlimited bottles of soft drinks. good bye.
fairwell C6H1206.
wish me luck.
I will survive.
Monday, 22 January 2007
three bananas and a pack of strawberry milk
cannot take it.
quote by ben "i'll carry both tents and we'll still make it there by 11am. All i have to do is eat my banana"
manly quote. *puffs up chest*
(shucks, cannot make it. 11 was a crazy time anyway. xD)
Hike was like super fun, did many stupid but fun things! yay! <3>
thanks to gan for the photos.
happy photo!
destroyed but relieved boys finally reach their first check point after walking forever.
have i ever told anyone that i can levitate? yes, the david blaine kind of way. hoho. levitating people are sexy.
i think frisbee is quite cool, but quite hard to play if your technique isnt good. like mine. ):
tip: dont throw the frisbee too hard if you aren't good at it or cannot aim properly, lest you want to hit someone in the eye, really really hard.
sorry daryl. ):
i look more like a dog. woof...
fetch ben. woof.
the following pictures are many of the several incidents were poor frisbee skills were displayed. for example:
marvin letting the frisbee slip right through his hands! =O
he looks afraid of the frisbee. but then again...
in fear, marvin attempts to escape from the incoming yellow unidentified flying object, to us known as a frisbee.
despite his valiant fight against the yellow menace, at the end of the day, the frisbee prevails. (:
Over the Greens
wrestle with the great leader of green latern corps. more stupid shit.
f=ma where a=10ms
however, the green one has a mass of 5283475023, okay. fine i exaggerating. not so little. xP
so abit hard to carry.
see our yellow friend lying abandoned over there? :D
Okaeeeeee. must use more strength.
i think this picture looks kind of gay. O.O
the gargangtuan gory grannyish green guy is down and pinned!!! (:
dont worry, this was just for fun and no animal was harmed in the process.
i can run faster than the reaction time of the camera! so cool. butcant really see. ):
bleah. its looks cool kaeeee.
park ranger forced us to unpitch eveything and go somewhere else, cause the open field was not for camping. O.O
we just carried the test. (:
nat looks surprised. =P
bus stop!
marvin is crazeeeee. yay! i like the sbs bus. its really empty and good for singing songs at the back. (:
whats with marvin again. -_-"
sorry, song im listening to now.
boys like nice cold big gulps after hikes. super shiok.
big gulp: $1.60
super big gulp: $2.20
either after hike: priceless
for anything else, there's benkhoo.
i like my super big gulp.
sugar is good for the soul.
Thursday, 18 January 2007
ben wears pants!
then, i slipped it on and ran off to school.
die almost late.
let ben take a short run down memory lane. how many times have i been in those lovely white leg concealers? hmm...
prometheum day when it was compulsary to wear pants, cause it looks guai lan to wear shorts and receive the symbol of the cca. i wore bing long's pants cause he was in full uniform and i forgot to wear pants to school. -.-
parade commanding 160107. okaeeee. that was really cool. last minute call for parade commanding. exchanged shorts with bing long again cause parade commander again looks guai lan in shorts.
today! made the first student announcement! raffles quote from the past. (: i screwed up really badly in front of the entire school, but thats another story. hehehe. now, i had wear pants so that i can look more guai lan in front of the school with a vest and tie. AND I WORE MY OWN PANTS OKAEEEEEE. everyone should feel pround of me. yay! =D
i cant take it. i dont like pants. they are very hot to be in. gets dirty easily. bleah.
shorts are cool. period.
the best thing to bring to school
without my sweater, i would be heavily disabled because of the following reasons:
1. being cold and not being to concentrate in class
2. my arm would be numb when my sleep. besides my sweater makes a good pillow.
i dont think i can live without my sweater, its like the sexiest thing around. muacks. i love you sweater! (: times 782390. sexiness gets new meaning.
Monday, 15 January 2007
nursery rhymes are sexy
yes nursery rhymes are like cool. did you know that there many underlying meanings behind all nursery rhymes? like sing a song of six pence was a recruitment drive song of blackbeard the pirate. sounds like some day little kiddies will be going "i'm loving it." that kid definitely would be an obese one. =D
baabaa black sheep = peasants being robbed of 2/3s of their earnings.
london bridge = burying people under the bridge to build it.
ring around the rosies = rhyme of the black plague
blah blah blah blah blah. shall not chatter on like a lit teacher.
omgosh, nursey rhymes are OMGWTFBQQQQ 1337 h4xx0rz0rz! but i like it that way! =D must thank mrs D'cruz for telling me about this. yay! you rock mrs D'cruz. next time tell us more ghost stories during lit lessons. =D
lit lesson is siao/nonsense/wierd/difficult/impossible/idiotic. wtfong, given a poem like:
De Kinderliefe
nfliaegjalfm jf gna.klgn rgaklgfna gek vdkhwolifhjfnsbkdhjmanfiiajsrhfiirutyorlhdn,z
decipher. -_-" hoho. BUT doing random nonsense is good for health. at least wont end up sleeping in class like *ahem* chinese.
Saturday, 13 January 2007
i never bothered to make one in the past. but i dont like the format. bleah. i cant upload my pictures either since my photo sizes are mostly 1.2MB++. aw... nevermind. i'll survive. hehehe. (:
nothing fun in school to blog about. hoho. work piles on my table. i shall answer the call of the damsel in distress on top of that white tower! =O
homework time.
wish me luck.
and pray that i survive.
Thursday, 11 January 2007
sleep is good for the soul
i need sleep. like now. havent had enough sleep in the past few days. we should sleep, especially people like yao... guang/yang. i've been sleeping in class, which is dangerous to me. Today, i woke up with a yellow ear, after dozing off during bio (eh, who can actually stay awake during bio other than china scholars?)
okay. i cant type no shit. im sleepy.
sexy people sleep early.
Monday, 8 January 2007
ice cream! (:
compare the sizes. the left one is a normal sized softee. the right one is a benkhoosized softie. yay! =DDD
i feel really bloated now. taken too much crap in today. there goes my allowance. oh well. ): lets take a look at...
Ben's Menu 080107
1 packet of fried rice
1 fried egg
1 Zinger burger
1 small coleslaw
1 nissin chicken mushroom cup noodles
1 packet of peanut butter m&ms
1 large slurpee
1 kinder bueno
1 big gulp
1 kfc small root beer w/o ice
1 benkhoosized softeee
okaeeeee. im like bloated and cant eat even an ikan bilis now. bleah. so much sugar. BUT SUGAR IS NICE!! :)))
Sunday, 7 January 2007
stupid speech, i have to make tmr. IN DEFENCE OF MY QUIRKS. shift one! im not quirky kaaayyyy. even if i am i dont know what it is. darn. too lazy to really come up with a proper speech. so my quirk shall be.... PROCRASTINATION!!! =O really. no kidding. tmr, go in front, do an impromtu nonsense speech in front of class. become the laughing stock of the day, then get taupok. settled.
i havent blogged about ISL dinner!!! =O pity i didnt bring my camera along. havent taken pictures with some people from ISL. aw. poor me. luckly people. this is nonsense. anyway, the food was good, but then some of people from the viet team did turn up, thats quite alot considering there were around like, 15 people? minus five people who didnt come, minus another three people who are from my family. that leaves me with seven. nice. (: better than nothing. haha.
oh no. look at the time! =O its long, way past my bed time. im going to get spanked for that.
ben you bad boy.
okaeee. no more nonsense from me. to the bed! harry potter next book should change name to, harry potter and the scary pillows. i dont like sleeping alot. oh well.
JOY!! =D
clap your hands!!
if you are happyyy and you know it
after two months if finally completed my commonwealth essay!!!! not like it really matters or anything but then. =)))
i must celebrate by trying to convince my parents to eat out tonight. x)
i dont know why im like that either. ben is wierd la. RI made me in a wierdo. hmphh... but i shall stay that way. lalalalalala. spammmm..
Thursday, 4 January 2007
first blood!
okay, maybe not, im exaggerating.
being the first person be taupoked when school just reopens isn't exactly the best thing that can happen to an guy. ow. my neck was like being pressed on by *ahem* someone's shoulder, before 29430823 other people piled up upon me. ow. very pain la. they say our life flash past your eyes right before the moment you die, but then i saw nothing, but the faces of those stacking up on the heap of bodies. im too young to die. i want to say im too beautiful/sexy/smart to die but then. nevermind. maybe some other time. xD
im nuts/have a screw loose/going bonkers/crazy/siao. whatever.
-> i enjoyed school today. <-
new lit teacher is kind of cool. mrs deCruz. shucks, but she didnt recognise me. x( i recognised zhaojie, cause he acted the "HAIRLESS BEAST!!" but then how about benkhoo. ): how can you forget the prostitute, yet remember POSITION 63!! SIXTY THREE!! <3>
physics was freaky. did all kinds of stupid experiments, and burn lots of stuff. xD miss huang even went all the way into the guys toilet, while hanfei was peeing.
that like deserved an an aye cee yee fullstop and a complete paragraph by itself la. ting jai supposedly took a picture. but then nothing really happened there. only i nearly some stupid thing. where i held the cup covered by a lip upsidedown over my head, and it nearly poured all over me. hehe.
leave you with a lame joke. =D
Q: Why can't there be any love between a physicist and biologist?
A: cause there isn't any chemistry between them. =P
Wednesday, 3 January 2007
you can help me. (:
anyway, today was the first day of school. nothing really interesting happened. only that we realised that activities in the classroom can be observed from the outside! =O
time to put up some curtains. (:
got to do my commonwealth essay.
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
times up
it feels really ironic that i am dreading school, yet at the same time, i am kind of excited to return to school. kind of miss my school life. ben you are wierd.
as i ponder upon my holidays, it find it quite fufuiling. been through lots of shit and fun through this holidays: AQ training! Pipes Practice! Vietnam! Ice-skating! Christmas nonsense! New years day! Random rubbish! it has been exhilarating and i would like to thanks all those that have been through this with me. <3 you people.
runnning a fever now. ben will be a good boy and turn in soon. i hope i wont be sick tomorrow.
P.S. 4C people, if you havent known by now, our chinese/form teacher next year will be the HOD of chinese. forgot her name, but i guess we're all dood ya? =D