Tuesday, 11 September 2007

How to cook a benkhoo

Ben's Brain
Quick and easy way of prepare a light and healthy meal. (no fats or MSG!)

1 ben
1 pile of math revision worksheets
4 Chinese revision papers
2 Physics and chem papers

1. Choose a nice and juicy ben.
2. Chop ben into fine slices.
3. Add ben with 1 pile of math revision worksheets. Add ink (preferabky from uni Laknock 1.0 <3)
4. Mix until the bens look like its on the verge of exploding.

5. Add chinese revision papers and leave in the sunny chong. allow mixture to exapourate and produce frustration steam.
6. throw in a variety of spices, such as DMPs and extra quizes, for more flavour.
7. boil with physics and chemistry paper.
8. filter and tuck in.

Caution: don't try this at home.

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