i'm a dog.
i'm a dog that blows a whistle.
i'm a dog that blows a whistle to make people run. (:
finally, hillary challenge finally ended after an extremely fun/tiring/exhilirating/painful/difficult/crazy/nonsense three days. these three days past too quickly, and the gold medal just seems a tad bit too surreal. i feel like i'm living a dream. (:
team M <3
our team was probably the least prepared for hillary challenge, meeting only once or twice before the competition. it must be our wonderful logistics (power gel!) that helped us throughout the race. we also stuck together throughout the entire race, and i believe that is our secret to success.
lets recall whatever that happened over the three days...
Day One
i didnt expect to be staying at pulau ubin. i thought that we were going to be hiking for like forever, over three days.the first challenge was:
zomg. i pon school, only to come to do a skit?! @#$%
had no other choice but to play along, since the skit carried alot of point (or so i thought then)
we decided to do a skit, with shaunang acting gay. (:
anyway, we were shoved onto a bus and transported to pulua ubin for the rest of the camp.
Camp resilience!
it damn unfair! how come NPCC get such a ginourmous camp, and bb only has a teeny weeny BB/GB campsite. tsk. unfair. national PCC.
oh yes, we also had to cook laksa for one of our tasks. i dont even know how to cook, how to make laksa. o_O
luckily the girls were decent cooks. amelia was like the master chef, putting all kind of nonsense into the soup. i was quite useless, just staring at the mess tin and lighting the fires.
she used her shirt to lift the hot mess tin. my balls will shrink and drop off if i even did that! respect.
did i say i was flag bearer too? flag bearing is quite scary, especially when you're raising the state flag. my flag had to be a the top all time, so during lowering, if my flag was too fast, i'll get owned by the instructors. bah.
i tried to imitate the boys in black shoes, who i see almost everyday raising the flag, but after a while, i realised that all the other flags were down and mine of stil halfway!
was like "shit. i'm @#$%ed." so i anyhow pull damn quickly and the last part of the lowering was super fast. idiot.
Day 2
i woke up and heard jappy saying that ben sleeps like a pig. actually, i really do. i can sleep quite easily almost anywhere, and i'm quite hard to wake up. 5am in the morning! i dragged myself up and pulled my body over for breakfast.
i enjoyed the six stations very much. <3
1.Dragon boating
ok. dragon boating was quite screwed, since we had to move the dragon boats down into the river ourselves, and the other team wasnt really using much strength. the instructors also werent really clear with their orders too, so they didnt really know what to do. :/
our team just rowed and rowed and rowed. its quite important that we rowed in sync, otherwise confirm damn slow.
i think our group is good at coordinating together. (:
2. obstacle course
the obstacle course wasnt that bad. we had to hold this cup of water and transfer the water across an obstacle course to the otherside. of couse spill alot of water, but we put the cups in our mouth and i put the water in my mouth too. (:
the team promised that if i completed the obstacle course seven times, they would stop teasing me about she-who-must-not-be-named. seven not that hard la. the only difficult part about the challenge was the rolling log, which we wasted tons of time finding out how to use.
when i was nearly done with the six challenge... the whistle blowed, and it was over. gragh. irritating. so i still continued to get teased for the rest of the challenge. ):
3. gun firing +dark maze
gun firing is fun! there's this heavy gun in the middle and ropes at the side to shift the cannon's orientation. the team was quite imba la. but i solo the left side, which was uite gay, since the cannon was freakin heavy.
jappy was like the commander and the rest just followed his direction. in the end, we completed it 12minutes plus. :D
dark maze is the most gay. i really pity blind people now. ):
completely lost my sense of sight when i entered the maze, and we had to feel around for wooden blocks inscribed with some words. was quite difficult, but we manage to find eight. good la. (:
4. rock climbing
alright. this was the activitiy that started to kill us, rather that killed me. ):
at first it was okay, quite easy to climb the green rocks. then after that the yellow rocks was super gay, and i wasted ALOT of energy trying to climb it and failing over and over again. hmpf.
then out came our best friend, deep heat spray!
spray and burn. hoho.
later i climbed the blue wall, which is probably the easiest, three times. quite fun. long bean gabriel and like skip an entire panel cause he's body is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG.
5. squares thing.
we were told to make two squares blind folded. the group anyhow created some squares. although it was not that perfect, it was a good effort. kudos to the nice guy instructor, who we talked to later on. (:
6. orieenteering
bashing up a hill FTW.
went up the hill. died, found nothing, went back, got zero points. 'nuff said.
we started the hike as the third last team to leave camp resilience. but after the power gel, i got a sugar high and think the rest probably did too. just walk and walk.
the cycling was also good. our team is not THAT strong at cycling, but at least there were not serious injuries. i pity hwa chong team A, cause they had a girl who fell of the bike and could no longer continue with the race. :/
i shouted "UP... UP... UP..." like forever. my throat was dead at the end of the dragon boating. the team was really coordinated. and the other teams were like a little dot, far far away.
i like the guy who was steering our boat. he kept encouraging our team, and gave us tips on how to move faster. (:
naomi's oakley's are damn cool. she was sitting at the front of the dragonboat, and i could see the people rowing at the back through her sunnies. (: i want to buy oakleyyyyyyyyysssssssss!!
but NO MONEY. >.<
dragon boating really stretched our lead. and the last part to lower seletar park was a quick stroll, following the pace of gaby's long legs.
at night, i had to sleep outside in the open, cause the tent was too small to fit five guys. ):
it was damn cold, and i woke up THREE TIMES! at night. :/
Day Three
day three started off with rafting. the raft wasnt that hard to construct and it was the most efficient one. i saw other teams that had rafts the only allowed one person to paddle at one side, like a dragonboat. ours was like two canoes joint by a long pole. and we were first for rafts! yay. (:
after that was the hike. it wasnt much of a hike, just a long long long long long long long long walk, with checkpoint. didnt really wanted to navigate, i'm not that good at navigating anyway, so i became the slave driver. :D
i koped shaunang's whistle, and everytime i whistled the team had to touch the shoulder of the person in front of him/her. since gaby walked super fast, i kept blowing the whistle!
PHEEETT! run run run.
PHEEEEEEETT! run run run!
we manage to go to almost all the check points except one eighty points one. its really pity full since that place carried so much points!
at least we had one fifty point check point which the other teams just walked by. i saw the hwachong team just walking past the numbers of the fifty point checkpoint. quite sad la. but i think hannah saw the numbers! good job!
nearing the end of the thing, i became a dog. hannah/amelia/nicole were tugging onto my bag strap and i pulled them up the hill. (: woof woof.
the FINAL CHALLENGE was quite nonsense. i dont know how the other team did it, but i got the other wet all over. at first i poured the water quite poorly and spilt alot over amelia, and the expression on her face was like @#$%@$%@#%$@%%@#%^&@%^#$%@#$%. oh well. we didnt really manage to move the ball up, but at least we got thirty points! (:
yay. we're going to see cows next year.
thanks team:
Jappy: imba navi and the team leader. couldnt have done this without you. thanks for pushing the whole team on throughout the challenge.
Shaunang: you're really great, and the jokes you crack helped to lift the spirit of te team!
Nicole: MANLY. you're like the girls mum, and only one that can make them shut up. (:
Hannah: even though you were tired, you still pushed on for the team. you're not as unfit as you think, mid afternoon high FTW.
Amelia: bimboness and incessant chattering was quite funny. my shirt! ):
Gaby: long legs are for the win. without your wonderful pacing, we definitely wouldnt have done so much.
Koon Chong: your navi and rope skills are really great. bring your watch along next year!
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