wet and cold and sandy and naked boys are happier boys. <3
i lie. its not naked but half naked. the top half.
went ta siloso beach today for combined 60th BB + 45th GB band outing. was kinda stupid. i got dunked in less that 15 minutes after we reach siloso beach. people are evil. at least let me enjoy being dry for awhile. grrrr.
we played inclined soccer on the beach. very wierd la. playing soccer on a slope = good game times ten. when it started raining, everybody decided to zao into the shelter. why? scared melt in the rain la. duh. if not it means that they are afraid the big bad wolf comes over, huffs and puffs and blows them away. but playing in the rain is fun. like the super duper fuper guper kind of fun. we played beach volleyball la. but then the ball can only travel over the net like 2 times then game over. no kicks. talking about kicks, i did like 528365 bicycle kicks today. first time i did a bicycle kick. falling on the sand not pain la, so i dare.
YQ, darius and i were left, when everyone else zao when the rain got heavier. haha. we made big sand castle then destroyed it. did lots of random stuff under the rain. must be the water going through my ears into my brain, that made me do all that kind of nonsense.
COY DINNER! this year's company wasn't that fun la. but i still enjoyed it. i realised i can predict the future. during the lucky draw, the prize of the pig shaped messager was being drawn, so i was like "comfirm marvin la." then it really was. O.O okok.
PICTURES! (didn't take much cause my camera ran out of battery. -.-)
longkuan the tree hugger. he looks damn cute here la. x)
little kidies playing soccer on the beach.
poor, wet ben is forced to pick balls.
we fight!
i got owned!
emo kids @ coy dinner. x)
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